Monthly archives: January, 2024

6 Benefits of Using a Mood Tracker

Hey Everyone, The first of the year is a great time for people who journal and use planners to start a new tracking for the year.  The last couple of years mental health has become a priority for so many.  One of the trackers that

4 Styles of Journaling

Hi Everyone, If you have had a chance to see my 2024 youtube video then you already know that I have been venturing out into the world of journaling for a change.  I thought I would start off with explaining the different styles of journaling.

2024 Planner – Journal Lineup

It’s a new year and that means new planners.  I admit this last year I wasn’t very good at staying true to my planner.  I have more blank pages than pages written on.  This year I am committed to stay on track.  I have recently