Tag: planners

Freebie Friday – September 15, 2023

Hi Everyone, I don’t know about you but I feel like the world needs more positive in it.  With that being said I decided that this week I would use a positive word.  Who doesn’t need more amazing things in their life?  Enjoy these stickers

Freebie Friday – September 1, 2023

Hi Everyone, September 10, 2023 is Grandparent’s Day.  This week Freebie Friday is honoring this special day.  I’m not currently a grandparent but I am a grand-fur-parent. LOL.  Right now, I’m okay with that.  Join me in getting your planners ready for the celebration.  Enjoy

Freebie Friday – August 25, 2023

Happy Friday Everyone, When I was younger, I had both cats and dogs that grew up with me.  As an adult, I had a golden retriever which was the family dog.  Once the kids were gone and the golden had passed away, I then discovered