Tag: Planner Tips

10 Tips for the Planner Newbie

You’ve taken the first step and purchased a planner.  You might be asking yourself “what is next now that I bought a planner?”   Planner Basics is a great article to give you a starting point and questions to ask yourself on the tools you will

Confession of a Planner Addict

Even though it’s not Sunday, I have a planner addict confession.  The first step is admitting that you are a planner addict.  Hi, my name is Sky and I am a proud planner addict and this is my confession. I never in my wildest dreams

Prompt Journal Creation

I purchased several planners on clearance from Michael’s when they were making room for the new 2017-2018 planners.  Initially when I purchased the planners I thought they would be great to be used as spare parts in case I needed a disc or to replace